Recents in Beach

Florian Lukas —German Actor

Florian Lukas Biography 


Florian Lukas —German Actor
Florian Lukas-Actor-Star and Celebrity 


Personal Details:

Full Name                  :      Florian Lukas

Date of Birth              :      16 March 1973

Place of Birth             :      East Berlin, East Germany

Height                        :      (1.69m)

Profession                  :      Actor

Place of Residence     :      East Berlin, East Germany

Nationality                 :      Germany

Years Active              :      1992-Present  

Spouse                       :      Anna Justice



1.     Der Krieg und ich (TV Mini-Series)

2.     Tödliches Erwachen (TV Movie) (post-production)

3.     Herr und Frau Bulle (TV Series)

4.     Weissensee (TV Series)

5.     The Silent Revolution

6.     The Invisibles

7.     Der König von Berlin (TV Movie)

8.     Friesland (TV Series)

9.     Tatort (TV Series)

10.  NSU: German History X (TV Mini-Series)

11.  Nachtschicht (TV Series)

12. Silvia S.

13. Tag der Wahrheit (TV Movie)

14.  Alles muss raus - Eine Familie rechnet ab (TV Mini-Series)

15.  We Did It for the Money (TV Movie)

Frequently asked questions and answer about  Florian Lukas German Actor

Q: Who is Florian Lukas?
A: Florian Lukas is a German actor born on March 16, 1973, in East Berlin, Germany. He is known for his versatile acting skills and has appeared in various German films and TV shows.

Q: What are some notable movies Florian Lukas has appeared in?
A: Florian Lukas has been part of several successful German films. Some of his notable movies include "Good Bye Lenin!" (2003), "The Lives of Others" (2006), "North Face" (2008), and "We Are the Night" (2010).

Q: Has Florian Lukas won any awards for his performances?
A: Florian Lukas's performances have been well-received by critics and audiences alike, but specific award information might not be widely available. His contributions to German cinema have been recognized, but the extent of awards received may require further research.

Q: What other accomplishments does Florian Lukas have in the arts?
A: Besides his work as an actor, Florian Lukas might have been involved in other aspects of the arts, such as theater or directing. However, information on his other accomplishments may require more in-depth research.

Q: Is Florian Lukas involved in any social or charitable causes?
A: Information about Florian Lukas's involvement in social or charitable causes might not be widely known or publicly available. Like many celebrities, actors often keep their philanthropic activities private.

Q: Has Florian Lukas worked in international films or collaborations?
A: Florian Lukas has primarily worked in German cinema, but he might have been involved in international collaborations that are not widely known.

Q: What are some of Florian Lukas's most memorable roles?
A: Florian Lukas's role as the protagonist's brother, Ari, in the critically acclaimed film "Good Bye Lenin!" is one of his most memorable performances.

Q: Does Florian Lukas have any upcoming projects?
A: As of my last knowledge update in September 2021, I don't have information on Florian Lukas's upcoming projects beyond that date. For the most current information on his upcoming works, I recommend checking recent entertainment news sources.

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